
The seminar will include a noteworthy panel of speakers with exceptional knowledge and experience.  

The Honourable Justice John Logan RFD
Federal Court of Australia

The Honourable John Alexander Logan RFD was appointed to the Federal Court of Australia in September 2007. His Honour was admitted to the Queensland Bar in 1980. He was then working in the Commonwealth Crown Solicitor’s office in Brisbane. Read full bio here

Mr Lorenzo Boccabella

After more than 35 years of practice in law, Lorenzo specialises in migration law and administrative law. He was admitted as a barrister in 1980 after completing a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Queensland. Read full bio here.  

Mr Nigel Dobbie
Dobbie and Devine Immigration Lawyers Pty Ltd

Nigel Dobbie is one of Australia’s leading immigration law practitioners. He is the Legal Practitioner Director of the leading Australian immigration law firm, Dobbie & Devine Immigration Lawyers Pty Ltd, based in Sydney, New South Wales. Read full bio here

Dr Bridget Cullen
Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Senior Member Dr Bridget Cullen was appointed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in 2017 and sits predominantly in the Migration and Refugee Division. She is the National Practice Leader, Procedure and Practice, for the MRD and is the Chair of the Migration and Refugee Division’s Professional Development Committee. Read full bio here

Ms Marney Richardson
Migration Queensland 

Marney Richardson is the Manager at Migration Queensland (MQ), which is a business unit of Trade and Investment Queensland and part of the Queensland State Government. MQ has a focus on attracting the best and the brightest skilled and business migrants from around the world to work, invest, live and play in Queensland. Read full bio here