Geri Ettinger is a lawyer, specialist-accredited dispute resolution practitioner and nationally-accredited mediator who has worked both in the private and public sectors. She was Chief Executive of the Australian Consumers' Association, publisher of CHOICE Magazine, for more than 10 years, and was for a long period, a Board Member of St George Bank.
Ms Ettinger held an appointment as a Senior Member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Commonwealth), for over 20 years. The work in very diverse federal jurisdictions involved hearings, decision making, and writing Reasons for Decision.
She currently holds an appointment as a Mediator of the NSW Personal Injury Commission, and chairs hearings as appointed by the NSW Ministry of Health with regard to appeals against disciplinary action of medical practitioners. These roles require managing the process through its legal and evidentiary ramifications, as well as taking into account the human elements of the parties appearing, and the Panel itself. Further sensitivity is required in preparing Reasons for Decision in a timely manner, taking into account the law, the evidence, and the differing professional backgrounds of the litigants and the Panel Members.
Ms Ettinger furthermore participates in the work of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the Law Council of Australia, the ADR Committee of the NSW Law Society, and the Government Solicitors Committee of the NSW Law Society. She mentors young lawyers, and teaches Ethics at Primary School.