Administrative Review Tribunal National Seminar Series – Brisbane

Registrations for this seminar has now closed. 

Join Peter Woulfe, Chair of the Federal Dispute Resolution Section, Kate Slack, Executive Member of the Federal Dispute Resolution Section and the Honourable Justice John Logan RFD, as they provide a rare opportunity to be informed about how federal merits review will be conducted under the newly established ART. So that the Q&A discussion is as informative as possible, we encourage you to be ready to ask a prepared question of the panel.

Event Details

When: Thursday, 4 July 2024

Where: Queensland Law Society, 179 Ann Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000

Time: 4.45pm - 6.45pm

Cost: FDRS Member $50.00 & Non-Member $60.00

The Honourable Justice John Logan RFD 
Federal Court of Australia

The Honourable Justice John Logan RFD was appointed to the Federal Court of Australia in September 2007.

 At the time of his appointment to the Federal Court of Australia, his Honour was a Silk in active practice at the Queensland Bar. He was admitted to the Queensland Bar in 1980. At that time he was working in what was then known as the Commonwealth Crown Solicitor’s office. At the time of his resignation from that office in 1984 to commence private practice at the Bar, he was acting as the Principal Legal Officer in charge of the Prosecutions Section. He was appointed Senior Counsel in 1999.

Since 2011, Justice Logan has held an additional judicial appointment as a judge of the Supreme and National Courts of Justice of Papua New Guinea. He visits PNG periodically to sit on that country’s appeal court, the Supreme Court for the purpose of hearing civil appeals. In addition to these judicial offices, his Honour is the President of the Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal. He was appointed to that office in 2018, having first been appointed in 2011 as a Member and, from 2015, as that Tribunal’s Deputy President.

Between 2010 and 2020, Justice Logan also held an appointment as a Deputy President (formerly known as Presidential Member) of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. In mid-2017, his Honour acted as the President of that Tribunal in the interval between the retirement of Justice Kerr and the appointment of Justice Thomas.

His Honour sat as a member of the AAT on a number of occasions. When in practice, his Honour appeared on numerous occasions on cases before the AAT and on appeals from the AAT to the Federal Court of Australia. Since his appointment to the Federal Court of Australia, his Honour has heard and determined numerous appeals from the AAT.

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